0736b Personal Website
SvelteKit, TailwindCSSMy personal static website with markdown blog using SvelteKit, TailwindCSS, mdsvex, HTML, CSS.
Vehicle Model Shop
React, Laravel, SQL, DockerMini shopping web application. Frontend using ReactJS, TailwindCSS, Backend using Laravel interacting with database.
Calabelle External
Python, WinAPI, ctypesCabal Online External cheat. I created this project while learning reverse engineering and windows api. Using ctypes library for calling windows api and read/write process memory. in Python
C.A.R.I.N Simulation Game
JavaA simulation game of a battle between viruses and antibodies. Both of them act according to a specific genetic code using genetic code parser and interpreter.
Python, LINE SDK, Flask, GspreadSimple LINE Chatbot for recording my personal expenses and save to google sheet.
MongoDB, Express, React, NodeJSMy first blog website created while I learning MongoDB, Express, React, NodeJS for work together which is M.E.R.N Stack.
MLP - Particle Swarm
PythonImplementing Multilayer Perceptron from scratch and train with Particle Swarm Optimization. for prediction benzene concentration in the next 5th, 10th day.
MLP - Genetic Algorithm
PythonImplementing Multilayer Perceptron and train with Genetic Algorithm. for classification with Winconsin Diagnostic Breat Cancer dataset.
AOB Signature Maker
PythonA tool to help create the signature of a array of bytes with GUI using Tkinter.